Thursday, February 21, 2008


That i don't have...

So I have tried, many times to create masterpiece after masterpiece on microsoft paint and have been unsuccessful with it.
this just upsets me BECAUSE when i ask my Rachel friend to explain what a t-bar lift is with a picture she comes back with this and shows me up with an example drawing....oh woe is me and my lack of microsoft paint gifts!


Sara Triana said...

Hawaii is either really small, or that tree and the person are enormous!!! ALYSSA!!!!!! That is crazy! No one is that big!

rachel... said...

HAHAHA!!! Gee, if I had known you were gonna post this thing on your blog I would have put it in color for you =) Ohh Alyssa, you crack me up!! I think your paint creations are beautiful! But the real question you get it now?

elise said... ARE skilled on paint. i could never make the creations you made...never. so trust me---you have way more skills than me :)
i love you. your blogs make me happy :)

ChristyDelaine said...

ALYSSA! just keep at'll master those painter things...its an admirable goal! love it!

Christy Davis
Center for European Studies
Student Services
Universiteit Maastricht
Bonnefantenstraat 2
6211 KL Maastricht
The Netherlands

P.S. Don't let the fact that my address is like a book discourage you...if you so wish! love...